Twitter to Add User-Curated Lists

Lists are coming to Twitter to help users curate...
"The idea is to allow people to curate lists of Twitter accounts. For example, you could create a list of the funniest Twitter accounts of all time, athletes, local businesses, friends, or any compilation that makes sense.Lists are public by default (but can be made private) and the lists you've created are linked from your profile. Other Twitter users can then subscribe to your lists. This means lists have the potential to be an important new discovery mechanism for great tweets and accounts."
Sounds like a great feature. Will be helpful for separating art from junk.
Reader Comments (7)
errr yeh friendfeed has had this from the start - I use twitter heavily but can't wait for someone to kick them in the tweeth and i am sure Google Wave will be doing that job some tome in the not so distant future :D
is it still something different, IMHO, from the much desired implementation of "groups", where are the users that can decide to join and resign...
nice info ; )
Twitter, perhaps perversely, needs people to come back to the website if it wants to make money. This is at least a step in the right direction from their perspective. Let's them play a bit at being Tweetdeck.
Instead of "curate lists of Twitter accounts" - it would be more powerful to curate lists of favorite tweets!! More signal - less noise is the underlying need users are seeking to migrate to categorical or topic specific "knowledge streaming".Simple fix for Twitter to promote the use of their under utilized "favorite" feature RSS feed output over the entire status timeline. This would serve to reduce the current level of spam as well as to promote the knowledge creator "thought leaders" linkages/needs from the "topic curators" who cross compile lists across authors.Food for thought, does Twitter see more business value in having users attempting to massively following, tweeting, or favoriting?
Twitter itself is using the exact techniques of accounts that get themselves suspended. Spam Filler, mass acquisition then strip out, hopefully to reveal some quality. Hypocrisy LOL
Follow up to previous comment on Twitter list or tweet curating:Think Digg votelet + Delicious subscriptions/inbox features combined into the single Twitter's favorited RSS feature = TwitDigilicious !!The favorited (curated) RSS feed can defined by the owner as globally private or public or on a tweet specific level such as Delicious now provides.It can be kluged together now using Y!Pipes, but why force users to go there Twitter when you're moving towards corporations to kick start monetizing your user base of knowledge assets.