A Chance Meeting with Tom Dickson of Will It Blend

In Atlanta today I ran into Tom Dickson, CEO of Blendtec. This is his business card. If you don't know Blendtec, they are the geniuses behind the wildly successful Will It Blend video series.
We didn't have a lot of time to connect so I didn't shoot a video. However, I did get the sense that they are proud of their work (as you can see from Tom's business card above) and that it had helped their appliance company immensely.
I wish more firms would be as pioneering.
Reader Comments (4)
Awesome! :)
If his card ripped apart into blended pieces? Or could be used in a smoothie? Then we are talking about epic levels of awesome.
Wow didn't know they were ATL based.. neat!
Actually they are Salt Lake based. Were just passing through.