Facebook Goes Light, Seesmic Goes Dark
Two sites. One, Facebook, goes light (in the US and India only for now). The other, Seesmic Web, goes dark. Which one do you like better? It seems like there's a splintering approach to web UI's lately, one light one dark. One simple, another more complex. I just want to skin the web.
Reader Comments (11)
Both of them need to (and probably will) have customizable themes so the users can choose ;)
it's probably not a good idea to spread news that a startup is "going dark." Ouch!
@Kosso lately I want to skin the whole web!
@Bruce there was a pun intended there.
I find light easier to see and read. Dark doesn't work well with my eyesight, and puts me off. That's one of the reasons I'm using HootSuite not TweetDeck.
I'm from South East Asia and was able to access Facebook Lite, so I guess it's global now? I even blogged about it here.
Light text on a dark background always puts me off and strains my vision. Branding ID should never trump readability.
sheesh! i thought you meant Loic gave up on seesmic! i much prefer the light pages - so much easier to read.
Facebook Lite works for me on iPhone better than the Facebook app. I like clear, black text on white.
What I really want is my personal CSS and other UI preferences stored in a standard format, and I'm able to store in the cloud where all of my services can refer to it.
Nice idea, I'd like that, too. My background color, my font face, color and size - yes.