Tool: Compare Your Ranking on Google vs. Google Caffeine

Google Tutor has spotted a great tool for comparing how your web site ranks on Google vs. Google Caffeine, the new algorithm the search giant is testing in the open. There's also a bookmarklet as well.
Reader Comments (7)
Steve - you continue to amaze me with the way you stay on top (and help me keep up with) technology trends. You've made it a lot easier for me to follow since you started tweeting. Something about that 140 character limit that just works better than getting the whole story in an RSS feed or email. It's become the billboard of the Internet. Thanks for this one, and so many more.
@Donald thank you!
yep, very intriguing, but the system is down for a few hours.thanks steve
Thanks for this Steve. Lovin' the stuff you're coming out with. Don't know about you but I'm hoping Posterous rolls out themes & customization here soon. It's killin' me!Anyways, tweeted out @mikestenger-Mike
Awesome tool. Thanks Steve. I will take a look now...
thanks a lot for the mention Steve! if you are playing with Google Caffeine much I also have a list of the top 5 *unique* tools for Caffeine that you might like.
Thank you for the information...i had no idea about this tool before...