The Age of Social Search Dawns
During the first fifteen of years of the Internet's gestation, we searched the web unassisted. In the second era, we'll do so with the curated assistance of our social networks - and be able to spot trends from friends. As we wrote in our search white paper earlier this year...
"However, on the whole, social networks are becoming a key way for people to find content that's meaningful to them. In response, all of the major networks are building out search tools that could, conceivably, threaten Google."
Well, Google made it clear they're not waiting around to get beaten. This is the opening salvo of what will be an all out social search war in in the next few years. Watch this space.
Reader Comments (6)
The fact that Bing will now search real time on Twitter and Facebook - and theoretically if it can stitch together (if we let it) who are friends are (Windows Live account anyone?) - it could customize search based on our friends recommendations pretty soon. Just theory and conjecture on my part, but I can see this happening if Google can do it. A new search race perhaps? Disclosure - I'm a long-ago former Microsoftie. still have some MSFT in retirement funds.
@Howard I totally agree Microsoft will be a player here (disclosure they are one of our clients)
Good thoughts, Steve. The money quote (no pun intended) for me: “We’re not trying to make money on data." Um, yeah. Right...
Indeed Steve exciting times here. I played around with Bing's search in the wee hours last night, i got great responses for search criteria esp. MSFT and GOOG. What was really awesome was that after about 30 seconds it picked up my tweets as well. I'm very excited about this...Will be interesting to watch what happens with Google as the clash of the titans continue!@Tim LOL, bottom line $$'s no matter what they say.. :-)Thanks for the post..
What's with the "Search Engine Visibility" white paper using issuu that I can't download or even print the whole thing - just one page at a time?
Steve, you can get it here -