What is the Future of Twitter? Only You Know
A larger, much more readable version of the above is here.
Yesterday during my keynote on the future of Twitter at the TWTRCON conference in San Francisco I decided to do something different. For one day, at least, I put away PowerPoint and fired up a mind mapping program (in my case I use Mind Node for the Mac).
I really enjoyed the experience and, anecdotally from what others told me, so did the audience. For one, It made the session more interactive. Second, because it was different, it seemed to capture people's attention more than a deck would have. (Hmm, is PowerPoint making us blind and deaf?) Still, since this was my first time out mind mapping with the audience I know much can be improved.
To build the mind map I started (conceptually) with a framework that built off of Brian Solis' great Twiiterverse diagram.

Then, I divided the map in half - Twitter as an OS (think "Twitter Inside") and Twitter and the Ecosystem (think Twitter and others). Then, for the next 25 minutes, I took the audience through my initial thinking but opened it up to more feedback and input so that we grow it. Now it's your turn.
I have published the mind map on Flickr. In addition, you can download it here in PDF and OPML format. The OPML file should open up in any mind mapping application like MindManager for Mac or Windows or Mindmeister (a web app).
Let's see if we can take this concept to the next level and perhaps use it to bring Twitter new ideas, which they seem quite open to - at least that's what they said during the session that preceded mine. Leave comments here or on Twitter with the hash #futureoftwitter and let's see where we can take this.
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Twitter, TWTRCON
Reader Comments (15)
you tell twitter and its API's tell all your vendors what you want
you tell twitter you are moving house and they tell your vendors
the citizen controls their data relationships via twitter
naming convention for hashtags ? I dount it would ever work
we can vote using twitter
twitter removes all barriers to entry to the internet or web, and continues as open source
you can fund raise via twitter ; i nominate a charity and they receive $ 0.01 each tweet or whatever
A Future History of Twitterhttp://mv.asterisco.pt/cat.cgi?A%20Future%20History%20of%20Twitter
-- MV
Thanks Steve!
Excellent insight in the future of twitter. Such a multiple head beast !
Might enjoy reading the map better in Zoomable version by clicking here: http://bit.ly/ZxInh
This is well done.
I think some of the ideas on your map may become reality sooner than most people think.
I'm loyal to Twitter but I see it facing severe challenges.
Mind maps disturb me. If PowerPoints dumb down thinking and make you blind, mind maps control your mind -- the coding, the frame, the software do the mapping, you don't use them to map.
I'm curious if this style of presenting lends itself to Prezi. http://www.prezi.com
In the meantime I've been quite frustrated with twitter's poor quality WRT connectivity (e.g. http://twitter.com/nmw/status/2007911876 - twitter was essentially useless for that conference).
So all in all I would say that twitter will probably fail if it does not embrace the essence of the internet (as a distributed network). So the success or failure of twitter depends largely on the ability of its leaders to grasp the economics of information on the www -- but so far I'm afraid that prosect doesn't look to rosy (the most plausible "exit model" is that twitter would sell to Google, but in truth Google should be more focused on coming up with its own "social" model, rather than spending its resources on such hare-brained sinking-ship ideas like youtube).
Well, that's it more or less!
:) nmw
Here's something that may interest you. You partly inspired it with your work and obviously Brian's Twitterverse too. It's too long to post here. Hope all's well.
"Powers of Ten" for the Twitterverse. http://adjix.com/6m9x
Latest Twitter News : Harvard Study about shows that only 10% of the “prolific” twitterers represent 90% of tweets. A regular member tweets only ONCE in their membership life!
Moreover, turning to Facebook, it is clear that guys are on the social networks for girls, and girls are there for other girls. So if girls do leave the social network, then the air goes out.
From the above mentioned Harvard Study: "On a typical online social network, most of the activity is focused around women - men follow content produced by women they do and do not know, and women follow content produced by women they know. Generally, men receive comparatively little attention from other men or from women. We wonder to what extent this pattern of results arises because men and women find the content produced by other men on Twitter more compelling than on a typical social network, and men find the content produced by women less compelling (because of a lack of photo sharing, detailed biographies, etc.)"
My 17 year old daughter left Facebook 4 months ago because of Photo problems and has no regrets, and three of her classmates have followed suit. That makes 50% of girls from one class leaving FaceBook and not regretting it. In fact I'm told it's now totally uncool to take pictures during parties. Have we reach a FaceBook peak ?
Is it possible to watch that presentation somewhere ?