The Apple 4G iPhone Prototype is Probably a Head Fake

Image above via Gizmodo Right now the web is abuzz with commentary about a seemingly real next generation iPhone that was found in a bar. Gizmodo has the details. I don't doubt its authenticity or Gizmodo's reporting work here, but I believe the entire episode could be either a deliberate or somewhat hopeful plant by Apple designed to throw us off the trail of the real thing. I don't have evidence. I am just connecting some dots. First, some background. Apple is the last company that I am aware of that thrives under command and control PR. Practically every other institution has been forced in this age to open up and become more transparent and collaborative (much to their benefit) - even entire governments. Apple meanwhile has thrived by maintaining precise control over the news flow and holding everything back for the "big reveal" when Steve controls the show. That's the Steve Jobs way - manage the entire "end to end" ecosystem, including the App Store and PR. And it's worked. This was very easy before. Now, however, as Apple grows and there's more attention focused on the company, this is getting harder in an era where transparency and openness are the new defaults. So Apple needs to get creative. It's been reported that Apple allegedly has teams in the company working on prototypes that will never see the light of day. It does so, it's been said, to maintain secrecy and to occasionally throw people off the trail. That's what I think is happening here. If that's not enough, consider this - Apple appears to strive to maintain the news flow after a product is announced yet before it's available. After the iPad was revealed, it's been reported that Apple kept the few that were in the wild chained down to special tables. So this isn't a company that lets important unreleased devices anywhere near the wild... unless, that is, they want someone to find it. So, to sum up, here's my analysis. I believe Apple made this device. It seems very authentic and Gizmodo has done a great reporting job. However, more importantly I believe this is probably a false prototype that someone from Apple either left in the bar intentionally or with an individual who they thought might do so for reasons only they know. We'll find out for sure probably this summer, but that's my educated guess as a continuous student of PR.
LATER:: Gizmodo now has more on the person who lost the phone. However, I wonder if he had the real next-gen iPhone or just one that Apple was comoftable seeing leave its campus for a reason.