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The Jay Leno Rule of Social Media 

Image Credit: Jay Leno carrying on with Taylor Hicks (by Techbirmingham via on Flickr)

I am a big believer in using stories and visuals to convey a message. My teammate David Armano is helping me with the latter. Here's a metaphor that I have been using with our clients that might be helpful to you.

Some businesses have a Twitter or Facebook presence or a blog, yet they're not getting the kind of activity or engagement they hope to receive. This is understandable and a common problem. There's a lot of competition for attention. But one night I was watching the Tonight Show and it hit me. From that point on I started talking about "The Jay Leno Rule of Social Media." It's simple and it works.

If you think about it, the celebrity slots on The Tonight Show are pretty formulaic: guest walks on; guest engages/yucks it up with Jay about broad human interest topics (life stories, current affairs, etc.); guest promotes his/her book, movie, TV show, event, shows a clip, etc.; guest moves down the couch; rise, repeat, wash. This has been the script for decades, going all the way back to Jack Parr.

It struck me that this is a great model for any company hoping to build relationships through social media. The "Jay Leno Rule" is deceptively simple and easy to implement. Basically, here's how it works...

If you want to get people to care about what you're selling, you have first to get them engaged by being informative and/or entertaining. In short, you need to get us interested in what you - a brand, an NGO, an individual - have to say beyond your domain. Such pathways to engagement include stories, humor, links to interesting information, ideas, questions and participating in other discussions (e.g. Follow Friday, etc.) Then, once you get us hooked, it's easier talk about what you want to sell us. We'll be more receptive.

This isn't rocket science. In reality, it's human relations 101 - but it's something a lot of companies forget. After all, most marketers focus on themselves and what they want to say.

Mint is a company that does this quite well. They embrace the Jay Leno Rule. Mint has a great blog that shares lots of tidbits that encourage financial well-being. Then, once in awhile, they interrupt the flow with product news. It's simple and gets me reading more.

Simple enough, yet effective, right?

Reader Comments (13)

Steve - That is literally my business model in a lot of respects. The old adage is true: If people like you and trust you they will do business with you. The like and trust online are keys.If you are entertaining, informative and/or solve a will fall into like and trust category. And that leads to sales...bottom line.

April 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDavid Siteman Garland

Why am I not surprised that Rubel's on Team Leno?

April 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJesse

thanks for saying nice things about Jay the poor guy has gotten so much bad press lately but they forget that he is a good salesman wether he "sells" the monologue an interview a skit he makes you feel like he's talking to you and not down to you. Like he is the guy next door.Conan is a very smart guy with his depreciating humor and whitty skits but his monologues are or were poor and his interviews many times failed to "sell" the guest's products. He was not a good interviewer nor was he a good listener. He failed to engage the audience in that respect because he many times shifted the focus of attention to his humor his irony or his own comedic persona and not the virtues or products of his guests. He seems many times to talk down to them or to the auidce because he is so smart and yes he is very funny but thats not always ell recieved by everyone.Why did "Coco" loose the tonight show. Because he failed to retain viewers that he had (like myself) and he failed to garnish new ones regarless of the age group.Coco's version of the latenight franchise seemed not only a dumbed down version of latenight if felt awkward out of place it had lost its edge Coco lost his indentity perhaps to please NBC or perhaps he never had a game plan on how to garnish a new one.I am not I dont like how Coco handled himself in the late night ars I dont "buy" his arguments and excuses they seem lame and imature especially for such an intelegent man like him that does know very well how the businesss works.Perhaps NBC was unfair to him but I dont understand how coco blamed Jay for taking his dream away from him when he felt no remorse 5 years ago. Jay's "last" tonight show was not even about his own legacy itr was about welcoming Conan and he didnt seem to apreciate that.What I like abut the "new" conan is that he is working from the bottom up now and taking risks to garnish a new follwing. He shoudld of done that to begin with I wish him well well for old times sake and past laughs but I wont follow him to TBS he disapointed me. perhaps I am the only person on earth that feels that wayPerhaps Jay hasnt been as audacious in his return but to see him behind his desk feels very good like somethings right in the universe

April 17, 2010 | Unregistered Commentertania azevedo

" ... a lot of companies forget. " - Some companies "forget" a lot of basic skills, like communication. Those that don't "forget" will succeed."forget" is such a kind word for the mis-application of resources to messaging.They are "getting the kind of activity or engagement they hope to receive" - exactly what they hope to receive, and possibly less given the finite amount of attention which will be given to those companies that "get it". "It" being the work presented often, with out prejudice, engaging, and a load of other principles that ascribe value to the target.The "JL rule" ??? Really? Create more dogma? Far to rudimentary to accredit a "slice" of a complex process with a label for me.I'll continue to call it communication and know that those that don't deliver will be supplanted by those that do.

April 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterVincent Green

That's a great point. Seems like the basic points are always the most overlooked.I think this approach is why social media has led to an increase in business for many start-ups and freelancers. It's always why I'm not sure how well advertising on social media will end up working out.

April 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLeslie A. Joy

Internet communities communicate by Waves of integrity with substance by coherent measurements. Braod Band internet is so user Friendly, the reliabiltiy thus is blended by corporate hedging with communications developing a internet community is simplicity butt payment by Google to further account for Time and money internet Mianstreamming intellegence by eminsible Time is unreliable. We all have offeings, in main stream communication, butt the capitolistic over views destroys actual content.http://ddoingit1.posterous.com

April 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDarrell Morehouse 111

LOVE the simplicity! RELATIONSHIPS is in the Human connection that creates emotion. Emotions drive actions...simple...

April 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterFlorence Haridan

May 14th, 2010Reader's Digest,Ms Jacqueline Leo,Editor-In-Chief,Box 8177, Red Oak, Iowa, AMERICA 51591-1177. Call: 1-800-807-2780 or e-mail: jackie@rd.comMr. Alexander Simon,Professional in media,Sir William Place,Apartment #305c,8820 – 85 Street,Edmonton, Alberta,CANADA T6C 3C2.Call 780-466-9719or e-mail: alexandersimonea@gmail.comDear Ms Leo:From your 'Letter From The Editor;' in the opening commentary in the 'Reader's Digest Laugh Riot;' September 2007 edition; Large Print version; I welcome a return on my writing and contribute a rare comedy sketch. In 'Stop Clowning Around,' the master of the Mobile-Army-Service-Hospital (M.A.S.H.); a Mr. Alan Alda; I viewed in movie and on the hit series first ran in book of novel, originally termed 'The Mobile'; it was all written here in north capital Alberta, for the official know, Ms Leo; continuously; the article starring now Mr. Kelsey Grammer as the affable is top (Mr.) Crane as a solid in construct' for women's ah, ha.!Then; a great male of American ah, ha; and serious with a grin; and perhaps with a martial 'belt' that's true blue as in policing; in the hit sequel to the film, no flake, 'Night at the Museum;' titled now I am informed through Dream®Travel; I attribute 'The New Maid;' an equal profit should amount to a near $30-Million American, starting now!!As with our current king of auto know, Mr. Phil Edmonston; I wrote a promo on the value of well built AM' motoring; the near final ending great review; The Road According to (Mr.) Leno, first name being Jay, of course; my 'pretend' dad who never ID'd his mug while he drove like a maniac; never left me a beautiful and charming 1956 Ford Fairlane. This fab' car; Mr. Leno; and 'n' away from the lion, ah, ha; ran on pure wood grain fuel from India; savvy I agree is this article; and I care in regard to Mr. Leno's way of comedy zing!!All meals are a personal sketch of humor; for example, my mother I adore; a comic in way of presenting a Jewish mixed sprinkle of Sicilian height; on every Hungarian meal I relish like the whiskey and bourbon I drink to settle lack of desert of female (my Ms Jane Russel hon is guarding the hungry la femmes at their alter not blue; but becoming, ah, ha!); the humor with my 'Margo' is sizzling; for each meal I adore; the stories said can peal the stomach of an Irishman who works the woods, in Belfast!!I like to thank all of interest in the comic realm for their understanding and dedication.The Last Laugh.Imagine 10 women running topless in USA. And if 6 males weren't invited to attend.How many girls would leave a US bar?The answer in a year;and all the best.XX.

May 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMr. Alexander Simon

May 14th, 2010Reader's Digest,Ms Jacqueline Leo,Editor-In-Chief,Box 8177, Red Oak, Iowa, AMERICA 51591-1177. Call: 1-800-807-2780 or e-mail: jackie@rd.comMr. Alexander Simon,Professional in media,Sir William Place,Apartment #305c,8820 – 85 Street,Edmonton, Alberta,CANADA T6C 3C2.Call 780-466-9719or e-mail: alexandersimonea@gmail.comDear Ms Leo:From your 'Letter From The Editor;' in the opening commentary in the 'Reader's Digest Laugh Riot;' September 2007 edition; Large Print version; I welcome a return on my writing and contribute a rare comedy sketch. In 'Stop Clowning Around,' the master of the Mobile-Army-Service-Hospital (M.A.S.H.); a Mr. Alan Alda; I viewed in movie and on the hit series first ran in book of novel, originally termed 'The Mobile'; it was all written here in north capital Alberta, for the official know, Ms Leo; continuously; the article starring now Mr. Kelsey Grammer as the affable is top (Mr.) Crane as a solid in construct' for women's ah, ha.!Then; a great male of American ah, ha; and serious with a grin; and perhaps with a martial 'belt' that's true blue as in policing; in the hit sequel to the film, no flake, 'Night at the Museum;' titled now I am informed through Dream®Travel; I attribute 'The New Maid;' an equal profit should amount to a near $30-Million American, starting now!!As with our current king of auto know, Mr. Phil Edmonston; I wrote a promo on the value of well built AM' motoring; the near final ending great review; The Road According to (Mr.) Leno, first name being Jay, of course; my 'pretend' dad who never ID'd his mug while he drove like a maniac; never left me a beautiful and charming 1956 Ford Fairlane. This fab' car; Mr. Leno; and 'n' away from the lion, ah, ha; ran on pure wood grain fuel from India; savvy I agree is this article; and I care in regard to Mr. Leno's way of comedy zing!!All meals are a personal sketch of humor; for example, my mother I adore; a comic in way of presenting a Jewish mixed sprinkle of Sicilian height; on every Hungarian meal I relish like the whiskey and bourbon I drink to settle lack of desert of female (my Ms Jane Russel hon is guarding the hungry la femmes at their alter not blue; but becoming, ah, ha!); the humor with my 'Margo' is sizzling; for each meal I adore; the stories said can peal the stomach of an Irishman who works the woods, in Belfast!!I like to thank all of interest in the comic realm for their understanding and dedication.The Last Laugh.Imagine 10 women running topless in USA. And if 6 males weren't invited to attend.How many girls would leave a US bar?The answer in a year;and all the best.XX.

May 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMr. Alexander Simon

Perhaps NBC was unfair to him but I dont understand how coco blamed Jay for taking his dream away from him when he felt no remorse 5 years ago. I say Jay leno should use the code 03008097198 cause "last" tonight show was not even about his own legacy itr was about welcoming Conan and he didnt seem to apreciate that.

June 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDavid

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As with our current king of auto know, Mr. Phil Edmonston; I wrote a promo on the value of well built AM' motoring; the near final ending great review; The Road According to (Mr.) Leno, first name being Jay, of course; my 'pretend' dad who never ID'd his mug while he drove like a maniac; never left me a beautiful and charming 1956 Ford Fairlane. This fab' car; Mr. Leno; and 'n' away from the lion, ah, ha; ran on pure wood grain fuel from India; savvy I agree is this article; and I care in regard to Mr. Leno's way of comedy zing!

Mai ne Janab Mohtaram Major Rohail ur en k ehle khana k telephone numbers inter net ke mukhtalif web sites pr AUNTY MUNAZZA k naaam se publish/nashar kye the jis ke waja se en ko bohat TENSION ka samna karna para Mai es k lye bohat sharminda hun ur en se MAFI ka talabgar hun ur aynda ayse koi b gair ikhlaqi harqat na kru gaEs lye ye wazahati beyan nashar/publish kar raha hun.Agr ksi k pass en web sites wala number ho to please DELETE kr k muje mazeed sharmindagi se bachaya jae.Sarmad Ashfaq03224108300

July 10, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSarmad Ashfaq

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