2009 NMAS White Paper - Engaging the New Influencers FINAL.pdf (2442 KB)
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One of the most remarkable things my employer does is host a world-class summit for academics every year on new media. We do so even in downturns, like the one we're in now.
This year's event, which featured both industry and academic insights, was held in Washington in June. Edelman just released a white paper summarizing the day, which you can download or peruse below. Videos from the event
have been posted as well. I highly recommend the read. The event included representatives from GE, McDonald's, UPS, eBay, Humana, Starbucks, AstraZeneca, The Lance Armstrong Foundation, Whirlpool, the Mayo Clinic and many more companies and NGOs. I am featured in the wrap-up section on what's next.