Those of you who know me or have been reading my work for awhile are probably well aware that I love Google products - especially Gmail. I even stopped using Google Reader in favor of subscribing to email newsletters from the blogs I care about so I can peruse/search them there. One less inbox that I have to manage is a good thing.
So, with that, you would naturally assume that I would love
Google Buzz. Well, I just got it in my Gmail today and my first take is that
it's Google Wave Light. Is the technology great? Sure. However, it's way too complex for the masses. It doesn't organize social information, it makes it even more of a mess.
Like it or hate it Facebook offers what Jeff Jarvis calls "
elegant organization." Twitter, while less organized, is equally simple. Google Buzz is only a service a mother could love - maybe Sergey Brin's mother. It's the Anti-Friendfeed. Here are five things wrong with it...
1) I can't easily find my content within Gmail. I have to go to
my profile page to find it
2) I can't easily hide the items from my inbox. This requires
a filtering hack that mere mortals do not know even exists
5) Finally, it shows in some ways Google is losing their focus. They're getting too big and therefore launch half-baked products that take them away from their core. They are feeling the heat from Facebook and Twitter instead of remaining true to their mission to organize the world's information.
In short, Google Buzz leaves me crying
Serenity Now - and I am a social enthusiast with
his hands in lots of pots!
Call me when this is baked but once again Google is showing that social is really their Achilles Heel.
Google Social Search is a winner.
Google real-time search is also a winner. They show what Google does well. This product shows Google at their worst. So, now that I have it, I don't see Google Buzz taking off and I am tempted to even turn it off. How about you?