September 18 is National Offlining Day
Eric Yaverbaum and Marc DiMassimo (two savvy marketers) have launched a campaign to turn September 18 a national day of offlining - a digital sabbath:
"Try making an Offlining Resolution. Have an Offline Father’s Day. Consider committing to a weekly Offline Sabbath. We think you’ll be glad you did, and we’re pretty sure you’ll find others who are glad too."
They put together some clever viral graphics as well. September 18, notably, is Yom Kippur. There's a pledge too. Count me out.

Reader Comments (4)
This is the dumbest idea I've read...
Combine that with the 'International Talk Like a Pirate Day' and you'll end up with one pretty unusual weekend.
Combine that with the 'International Talk Like a Pirate Day' and you'll end up with one pretty unusual weekend.
Great idea! Search the NY Times for the recent article on what all of our "screen time" is doing to us & our brains. Good to shut down for a bit -- if only for a day.