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The iPad Stimulus Plan

David Rothman writing on James Fallows' blog says we need an iPad stimulus plan. Fallows:

"In this essay, (Rothman) proposes ways that radically speeded-up adoption of the iPad-style devices could serve economic-stimulus and social-equality needs at the same time."

It's a lengthy essay, but compelling in that Rothman sees the iPad as a way to help media and education in one fell swoop. It would be great to see tablets become a pivotal way we retrain the workforce.


Reader Comments (3)

does this also belong to Rothman's sense of economic-stimulus: ?sorry. just kidding. thanks for your post! best wishes.

June 23, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterepic post

I think the way people are taught is going to change rapidly in the next 5 years. All the new technologies like the iPad are going to start making dramatic changes....

June 23, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKyle Lacy


August 20, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterharsha

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