What Twitter Must Learn From TechCrunch in Order to Thrive
Next month marks the fifth anniversary of TechCrunch and the ascent of one of the web's first power bloggers, Michael Arrington.
The TechCrunch story is fascinating as it exposes what many love about social media and the internet: smart risk-taking. This is precisely what helped the technology blog outmaneuver the press and quickly develop and maintain its massive following (along with a dose of controversy along the way).
At the ripe old age of 5, TechCrunch remains a must-read. According to DoubleClick Ad Planner, it reaches an estimated 7.4 million users a month. What's more, it has propelled Arrington into the upper echelon of technology influencers, earning him a coveted spot on the Time 100 list and regular appearances on Charlie Rose. Much of its success lies in Arrington and crew taking some strategic risks -- such as adding unorthodox events. They're not afraid to push the envelope or upset the status quo.
Nevertheless, in many ways, I believe TechCrunch and others from the Blogging Class of 2005 (like Mashable) are the last of their kind -- superstar blogs with iconic founders. The good old days of democratized media, where anyone can launch a blog and achieve worldwide influence, have come to an end. While there are still untapped niches that are crying out for good blogs -- ones that I believe corporations, not just entrepreneurs can fill -- the most profitable topics are spoken for. The window has closed. The game has changed.
Perhaps sensing this, some of blogging's most fervent enthusiasts moved on years ago to focus on Twitter. The age of Twitter began in earnest with a torrent of tweets from the early adopters who attended the 2007 South by Southwest Conference. Over the next two years, it came of age through countless media impressions and most notably a high-profile slot on "The Oprah Winfrey Show" in early 2009.
As Twitter mushroomed in influence, it quietly diverted our attention from blogs as the "it" emerging medium. It dawned on us that it's far easier to go where the conversation is, rather than expect people to come to us. What's more, Twitter's 140-character limitation was the perfect antidote for an attention-starved world where media snacking, rather than meals, rules. Blogs such as TechCrunch, however, adapted by feeding on Twitter for scoops, and in turn, powering its continued growth.
Still, Twitter reinvented media before most blogs had a chance to evolve. It was in the right place at the right time. It was simple and a perfect fit for our rising smartphone addiction. What's more, it fed our need for constant entertainment, engagement and ego stroking. Thus, Twitter became the primary window on the world for millions.
But Twitter must not get too comfortable. The only constant on the internet is change. If Twitter's execs don't reinvent its business now, someone or something will do it for them.
The best companies, like great artists, constantly reinvent themselves. Apple today gets more of its revenue from the iPhone than it does from the Macintosh. Facebook, despite an onslaught of controversy, is wisely pushing ahead with its vision to become the social operating system for the web, not just a social network.
"Twitter must not get too comfortable. The only constant on the internet is change. If Twitter's execs don't reinvent its business now, someone or something will do it for them."
Twitter needs to do the same. It's starting down this path by taking greater control over its own destiny. It's slowly adding services, including ad platforms and business tools, that compete directly with some of the most successful companies in its vast ecosystem. But it needs to become more. It needs a vision as grand as these other firms.
Evolution is always controversial -- just ask TechCrunch, Apple or Facebook. They all take their lumps. However, it's the only way an internet business can thrive in an era of constant change. Let's just hope that Twitter can evolve, just as fast as TechCrunch did, before someone or something changes the landscape.
Reader Comments (14)
Smart blog post. 100% accurate. Except, it begs the questions: Does Twitter have management capable of evolving? Do they have a Team with vision and insight? Can they adapt?To date, what many of us see are: A management Team who never planned or envisioned their original success ; a Team who have appeared to alienate it's most hardcore supporters (Developers); and a Team who've expressed no vision for the future (other than "bigger")...Me? I'd give Twitter 24 months before it starts it's decline...#notdrinkingthekoolaid
nice read! True about twitter, but what do u think twitter has to change about itself though ? Akshay Pulipaka http://axepuli.posterous.com/http://twitter.com/Axe_Puli
Twitter seems to be banking on the new ad platform, but somehow ads don't do it for most of us.
Dave I do think they have the right team to make this happen.
Ashkay they may just need to make themselves obsolete before someone else.
Sir its Akshay ! So how do they make themselves Obsolete ? Do you vision any particular direction ? I think Twitter will survive, given the penetration of the leading media houses, news sources, celebrities, sports professionals, right about anybody! Also the ease of microblogging as against blogging, that was the master move! What's gonna be the next master move is the question?
Interesting article. A question though: I've yet to see a really good example of something emerging as a Twitter account without that account being linked to something else: a corporation, a celebrity, or a blog. It's a good place for real-time conversation, but I don't think it will ever be a medium in the same sense that blogging is. Can anyone show me otherwise? What is the "Techcrunch of Twitter"?
Very interesting. Though I'd say that a lot of what makes Twitter great is that its development is crowdsourced -- meaning that people learn to use and integrate Twitter's API in interesting ways. As it seems, when Twitter sees that someone created a good product for the Twitter ecosystem - they either acquire that product or create one themselves. They're effectively letting other people create ways to make Twitter better, and then incorporating these ways into the Twitter ecosystem. That said, Twitter did start with an idea and a base product. A lot of what Twitter is today is based on what its development community created for Twitter. If what you're saying is true, and Twitter doesn't want to 'reinvent' itself, but instead continue to rely on community development, then it will be very interesting to see how far their core product can take them.
>>> Nevertheless, in many ways, I believe TechCrunch and others from the Blogging Class of 2005 (like Mashable) are the last of their kind -- superstar blogs with iconic founders.Why so? If someone creates better blog than TechCrunch, I will go there.
Just like to say that is an excellent article you have written, guess we will just have to wait and see what happens with Twitter
Ashkay they may just need to make themselves obsolete before someone else.
Ashkay they may just need to make themselves obsolete before someone else.
Ashkay they may just need to make themselves obsolete before someone else.
ofcouse twitter has to change!!!!!!