The Secret to Attracting Online Influence
If you want to attract influence online, it's actually quite simple. All you need to do is find or create cool stuff that other people with a shared passion will care about. The bigger that pool, the wider your influence can be - e.g. that's why those who track celebrity gossip, tech and/or sports often attract a larger following. They create or find cool stuff.
Here's are a few example of what I mean. All of these came right to my inbox this morning via my Posterous reader, which is helping me find new voices like Zee Kane ...
An amazing photo stream of Obama and world leaders where he maintains a consistent smile.
And also from Zee, a new iPhone camera app and awesome photos from Michael Jordan's college years.

The workspaces of the rich and famous, via Guy Kawasaki.

And also from Guy, why content trumps SEO.
Cool stuff that I care about from people I trust. Simple enough, right?
Reader Comments (5)
Workspaces of the famous - Ballmer keeps one too many framed photos on his desk!.
Ok...that photo of MJ is epic.
Zee's Posterous always has amazing content. Love it!
Thanks for the mention and yep, you are absolutely bang on Steve.
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