The Science of Retweet Success
Fascinating study by Dan Zarrella that looks at what does/does not get retweeted, based on 40M retweets. Unsurprisingly, words and time of day matter immensely. Surprisingly, begging works! Yet, semicolons don't!

Reader Comments (20)
wow good permission-based, sharing words (tho I hate plz RT!) LOL
Begging? I can do that lol
hey, haha, sleep well. I'm tired and bored! please Retweet!
Amazing that asking for RTs is still one of the best ways to get them; lol, bored and off to bed...
Very interesting. Thanks for passing along. I think if you take this information, and the information that recently came out from Vitrue - - in regards to Facebook Brand Pages, one might be able to start building a strategy for cross promotion.
Wow short sweet and to the point -- I like it!
When I followed the link from darren rowse twitter feed I was expecting a long article, this is great.
That covers the highlights.
Great tips! I wonder if the words would be the same in portuguese!..PLEASE follow my twitter: :)
Awesome post about keywords and retweet success
Seems to me that the 1st list are commonly used phrases I'm gonna use on facebook, lol, whilst the second list are new phrases on how to check out a free blog post on twitter.Hey I'll be back, sleep well, g'night. got work in the morning. hahaEntertaining stuff.
I hate seeing people ask/begging to retweet. However, as my grandpa used to say, "You don't get anything if you don't ask for it."Unfortunately, thanks to this study, we'll probably see more desperate people begging for a retweet.Anyhow, nice list, thanks for the concise summary.
Excellent marketing data or interesting Twitter trivia? Depends on your perspective.
Shouldn't it be the overall compelling content of the tweet?
you! please help retweet twitter! ... free social media blog post
wow! love this tips. Thanks for sharing. Please follow me on twitter.
it´s affected by culture and/or language - still helpful
interesting twitter conversation around the initial findings release of this report from @pamelawella, @renee_innosight re causality, statistical significance. dan didn't respond very well...I'm with thecashflowdj above.