Bookmarklets: Instapaper Gets Even Tighter with Google Reader

If you use RSS chances are you're a news junkie. One of my favorite complementary services is Instapaper, which allows you to save articles for future reading on any mobile device.
Over the weekend Marco Arment posted a killer update to the code that makes it easy to bookmark any article in Google Reader directly off the desktop and/or mobile version. This works faster and better than other solutions. Not only does this save a news item for future reading but Instapaper will also follow the link to the original source too and cache it. You can learn more here.
Reader Comments (6)
This commenter read your article through Google Reader. So yes, RSS is still alive.
Steve, many mahalos! I learned about RSS and Instapaper from you. And, I am completed addicted and daily addict of both. Thanks for always helping me keep my workflow tuned up.
Thanks Liana!
Go, Marco! The new bookmark is a tremendous improvement for going from GReader -> Instapaper
You can also save to Instapaper in NetNewsWire, which now works with Google Reader.
Quick question re the update, the bookmarklet refuses to save from Google Reader on the web or iphone - did anyone else experience this?