The Latest Social Networking Stats from Nielsen
"May 2009 data from Nielsen Online show that people continue to spend more time on social networking and blog sites than ever before."
Other highlights: Twitter flat lined. Facebook continues to chug. But Don't overlook the MySpace video views - 116M streams is huge.
Later:: Time spent at newspaper sites sank. Coincidence?
"Are the Free Lunch Days Over for Web Apps?" That's Not the Only Question
It seems as if every once-free service is now pondering ways to make money and extract revenue from their members, which makes sense when you consider that they are, after all, businesses.
I have long been a fan of using web apps. But a funny thing happened - 1) better apps on the desktop, like via Adobe Air (an Edelman client) and 2) mobile apps that are mini versions of the desktop apps. These use the cloud to sync and have changed some of my habits. That may alter the game for web apps just when perhaps they thought they had it cinched. The cloud is becoming an intermediary not the medium.
Is Unplugging the "New Black?"
David Pierce on attending the US Open without gadgets, which were banned:
I’m the last person who would ever recommend unplugging from technology for days, or weeks, or even hours. But, in small spurts, it can be a great thing. Have an errand to run? Don’t bring your cell phone. Enjoy the fact that even if you wanted to be productive, you can’t. Be bored, be present, and be in the dark – it’s a weird feeling, but it’s a good one.
Is boredom the new black? He seems to say that unplugging is becoming a trend but I am not so sure. People are cuttig back on gorging on media but connectivity it seems is something we want, no expect, to have everywhere.
Do you unplug? I never do except in meetings and when the FAA forces me to.
Video: How I am Gearing Up to Tweet for eBay
Here's how I am gearing up to tweet for eBay tomorrow (eBay is an Edelman client). You can follow me Monday through Wednesday over on the . I detail the gear I am packing as I venture to tweet the sites and sounds of this special event. More details are here.