Jeff Lebowski is ... the Dude. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor.

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  • The Big Lebowski (Limited Edition) [Blu-ray Book + Digital Copy]
    The Big Lebowski (Limited Edition) [Blu-ray Book + Digital Copy]
    starring Jeff Bridges, John Goodman
  • The Big Lebowski (Widescreen Collector's Edition)
    The Big Lebowski (Widescreen Collector's Edition)
    starring Jeff Bridges, John Goodman, Julianne Moore, Steve Buscemi, David Huddleston
  • The Big Lebowski - 10th Anniversary Limited Edition
    The Big Lebowski - 10th Anniversary Limited Edition
    starring Jeff Bridges, John Goodman, Julianne Moore, Steve Buscemi, David Huddleston

Technology Journalists, Trend Setters

Great article about how tech journalists are often at the bleeding edge of, well, tech-enabled journalism:
"Why, though? Because technology is the second-fastest changing field in news (after fashion). You'd watch what the fashion writers are wearing to find out what's going to be in next season. It's the same with technology, but with a longer timelag."


Times Column Looks at Protocol in the Digital Age

The New York Times fills a void with a new column by Jenna Wortham on digital manners...
"Its primary purpose is to help you gracefully navigate the murky waters of a hyper-connected world. Mom won’t stop tagging embarrassing family photos of you on Facebook? Think you’re being stalked on the Web by a former best friend? Blast your entire address book with a very private e-mail message? I’ll try to help sort it all out."



Track Twitter Trending Topics with Tweeter Trends 

One of my frustrations with Twitter is that there's no easy way to track the hot trending topics within your personal stream. So, with that, I went ahead and created a tool that does just that. All you need to do is follow @Tweetertrends or simply subscribe via RSS. The app is a mashup that uses Dapper, Feedburner and Twitterfeed. It's wonky at times, still it works for the most part and is handy for tracking what's hot on Twitter today.


Stats: The Internet in Charts

I love charts and graphs. So, here are a bunch of them that crossed my screen today. I found these all fascinating and I thought you would too.


Mediabistro Launches Posterous-Powered Community Lifestream

A dirty little secret about social sites is that sometimes it's the big media franchises that put them on the map. Often they drive adoption by a more mainstream audience once they start to dabble. This starts small at first but it can grow quickly.

This week Mediabistro launched a reader-powered blog using Posterous...

Via This is your blog. - TK

"This will be the destination for our community-powered blog. Here you'll be able to submit original work, such as traditional text posts, and multimedia such as videos, photos, and more. It can be educational, it can be artistic, and it can be anything that you think will benefit your media brethren."

As more journalists begin to dabble with Tumblr and Posterous. I suspect we'll see a lot more innovation. The attractivess of Posterous here in particular is its hub and spoke lifestreaming approach that makes it a solid launching pad for a brand's entire portfolio of socially connected content.